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Beide Produkte finden Sie unten im Angebot in unserem Zubehör.Bitte beachten Sie vor dem Kauf den unten in der Fahrzeugtabelle angegebenen Motorcode! Eine Erklärung zu den Motorcode finden Sie unter: Punkt 1.6 unserer FAQ. QUALITÄTSPRODUKT - NEU - EINBAUFERTIG Produktdetails / Produkthinweise Das Video wird in einem neuen Fenster geöffnet.[isdntekvideo] Beachten Sie die Einschränkungen auf folgende FahrzeugmodelleBezeichnungMotorisierungBaujahrKWPSccmKBAEinschränkungAUDI 100 (44, 44Q, C3) 1.8 Cat 03.85 - 11.90669017810588-323Motorcode: PHBj. ab: 04.1985AUDI 100 (44, 44Q, C3) 1.8 Cat quattro 08.85 - 11.90669017810588-344Motorcode: PHBj. bis: 07.1988AUDI 100 (44, 44Q, C3) 2.2 10.84 - 09.868511522260591-4300588-326AUDI 100 (44, 44Q, C3) 2.2 08.84 - 12.8810113722260588-3270591-432Bj. ab: 09.1984Bj. bis: 07.1986AUDI 100 (44, 44Q, C3) 2.2 E quattro 08.85 - 07.868812022260588-355AUDI 100 (44, 44Q, C3) 2.2 quattro 08.84 - 12.8810113722260591-4060588-343Bj. bis: 12.1987Fgst.Nr. bis: 44..J..200 099AUDI 100 Avant (44, 44Q, C3) 1.8 Cat 03.85 - 11.90669017810588-332Motorcode: PHBj. ab: 08.1986Bj. bis: 12.1987AUDI 100 Avant (44, 44Q, C3) 1.8 Cat quattro 08.85 - 10.90669017810588-346Motorcode: PHBj. bis: 07.1988AUDI 100 Avant (44, 44Q, C3) 2.2 10.84 - 09.868511522260588-3340591-431AUDI 100 Avant (44, 44Q, C3) 2.2 08.84 - 12.8810113722260588-3350591-433AUDI 100 Avant (44, 44Q, C3) 2.2 E quattro 08.85 - 07.868812022260588-356AUDI 100 Avant (44, 44Q, C3) 2.2 quattro 08.84 - 12.8810113722260591-4070588-345Bj. bis: 12.1987Fgst.Nr. bis: 44..J..200 099AUDI 200 (44, 44Q) 2.1 Turbo 08.83 - 01.8813418221440591-3420588-338Motorcode: KGMotorcode: JYBj. ab: 08.1984Bj. bis: 09.1985Fgst.Nr. ab: 44..000 001Fgst.Nr. bis: 44..G..039 767AUDI 200 (44, 44Q) 2.1 Turbo quattro 08.83 - 09.8613418221440588-3470591-411Bj. ab: 08.1984Bj. bis: 09.1985Fgst.Nr. ab: 44..000 001Fgst.Nr. bis: 44..G..039 767AUDI 200 (44, 44Q) 2.2 08.84 - 07.8510113722260588-3420591-436AUDI 200 (44, 44Q) 2.2 Turbo 08.85 - 09.9112116522260588-4600588-361Bj. bis: 09.1985Fgst.Nr. bis: 44..G..039 767AUDI 200 (44, 44Q) 2.2 Turbo quattro 01.85 - 12.9112116522260588-4520588-357Bj. bis: 09.1985Fgst.Nr. bis: 44..G..039 767AUDI 200 Avant (44, 44Q) 2.1 Turbo quattro 09.83 - 01.8813418221440591-4120588-348Bj. ab: 11.1984Bj. bis: 09.1985Fgst.Nr. ab: 44..000 001Fgst.Nr. bis: 44..G..039 767AUDI 200 Avant (44, 44Q) 2.2 Turbo 08.85 - 09.9112116522260588-4010588-461Bj. bis: 09.1985Fgst.Nr. bis: 44..G..039 767AUDI 200 Avant (44, 44Q) 2.2 Turbo quattro 09.83 - 12.9012116522260588-3580588-453Bj. bis: 09.1985Fgst.Nr. bis: 44..G..039 767AUDI 80 (81, 85, B2) 1.8 08.83 - 08.8668931781Bj. ab: 07.1984AUDI 80 (81, 85, B2) 1.8 CC quattro (85Q) 08.85 - 08.8668931781AUDI 80 (81, 85, B2) 1.8 GTE 10.84 - 08.868211217810588-3050591-332Bj. bis: 02.1986Fgst.Nr. bis: 81..G..140 000AUDI 80 (81, 85, B2) 1.8 GTE 08.85 - 07.868111017810588-359AUDI 80 (81, 85, B2) 1.8 GTE quattro (85Q) 08.84 - 08.868211217810588-313AUDI 80 (81, 85, B2) 1.8 GTE quattro (85Q) 03.85 - 08.868111017810588-353AUDI 80 (81, 85, B2) 2.0 10.83 - 09.84851151994Bj. ab: 12.1983Bj. bis: 07.1984Fgst.Nr. ab: 81..E..071 789AUDI 80 (81, 85, B2) 2.0 quattro (85Q) 10.83 - 09.848511519940591-3470588-312Bj. ab: 11.1983Bj. bis: 07.1984Fgst.Nr. ab: 81..E..801 445AUDI 80 (81, 85, B2) 2.2 quattro 08.82 - 07.84961312144Bj. ab: 01.1984Fgst.Nr. ab: 85..E..071 993AUDI 80 (81, 85, B2) 2.2 quattro (85Q) 08.82 - 07.8410013621440591-334Bj. ab: 01.1984Fgst.Nr. ab: 85..E..068 341AUDI 80 (89, 89Q, 8A, B3) 1.8 09.86 - 07.888311318470588-388AUDI 80 (89, 89Q, 8A, B3) 1.8 quattro 09.86 - 08.908311318470588-405Bj. bis: 07.1988AUDI 80 (89, 89Q, 8A, B3) 1.8 S 09.86 - 10.91669017810588-5110588-386Motorcode: PMMotorcode: JNMotorcode: NEAUDI 80 (89, 89Q, 8A, B3) 1.8 S quattro 09.86 - 09.91669017810588-403Motorcode: PMMotorcode: JNMotorcode: NEAUDI 90 (81, 85, B2) 2.0 10.84 - 03.878511519940588-3060591-343Bj. bis: 02.1986Fgst.Nr. bis: 81..G..144 745AUDI 90 (81, 85, B2) 2.2 01.85 - 03.878511522260588-349AUDI 90 (81, 85, B2) 2.2 10.84 - 03.8710013622260588-3070591-413Bj. bis: 02.1986Fgst.Nr. bis: 81..G..144 745AUDI 90 (81, 85, B2) 2.2 E quattro 11.84 - 03.8710013622260591-3510588-315Motorcode: HYBj. bis: 03.1986Fgst.Nr. bis: 85..G..160 000AUDI 90 (81, 85, B2) 2.2 E quattro 08.85 - 03.878812022260588-351AUDI COUPE (81, 85) 1.8 GT 08.86 - 10.877910717810588-360AUDI COUPE (81, 85) 1.8 GT 01.85 - 07.8868931781AUDI COUPE (81, 85) 2.0 09.83 - 07.868511519940591-3440588-309Bj. bis: 02.1986Fgst.Nr. bis: 85..G..140 638AUDI COUPE (81, 85) 2.2 GT 07.81 - 10.878511522260588-350AUDI COUPE (81, 85) 2.2 GT 09.84 - 10.8810013622260591-4140588-310Bj. bis: 02.1986Fgst.Nr. bis: 85..G..140 638AUDI COUPE (81, 85) 2.2 quattro 10.84 - 10.8810013622260588-3170591-353Bj. bis: 02.1986Fgst.Nr. bis: 85..G..140 638AUDI COUPE (81, 85) 2.2 quattro 08.85 - 10.888812022260588-352Bj. bis: 12.1987AUDI QUATTRO (85) 2.2 quattro 12.84 - 07.87891212226SEAT TOLEDO I (1L) 1.8 16V 05.91 - 03.999813317817593-349Bj. bis: 11.1992SEAT TOLEDO I (1L) 1.8 16V 05.91 - 03.999212517817593-350Bj. bis: 03.1994VW CADDY I (14) 1.8 08.85 - 07.92709517810600-137VW CORRADO (53I) 1.8 16V 04.89 - 07.9210013617810600-732VW GOLF I Cabriolet (155) 1.8 08.83 - 04.93709517810600-666oderBj. ab: 10.1986VW GOLF II (19E, 1G1) 1.8 08.84 - 10.91669017810600-612Motorcode: GXBj. ab: 08.1986Bj. bis: 07.1988VW GOLF II (19E, 1G1) 1.8 GTI 08.83 - 10.918211217810600-613Motorcode: EVMotorcode: GZBj. ab: 08.1984Bj. bis: 03.1986Fgst.Nr. ab: 19..F..000 001Fgst.Nr. bis: 19..G..640 000VW GOLF II (19E, 1G1) 1.8 GTI 08.85 - 10.877910717810600-664VW GOLF II (19E, 1G1) 1.8 GTI 01.85 - 07.85771051781oderMotorcode: HTVW GOLF II (19E, 1G1) 1.8 GTI 16V 02.86 - 10.919512917810600-700VW GOLF II (19E, 1G1) 1.8 GTI 16V 02.86 - 06.9010213917810600-650VW GOLF II (19E, 1G1) 1.8 GTI 16V 08.86 - 07.881001361781VW GOLF II (19E, 1G1) 1.8 i Cat 08.87 - 10.91669017810600-612oderMotorcode: GXBj. bis: 08.1988Fgst.Nr. ab: 19..F..000 001VW GOLF II (19E, 1G1) 1.8 Syncro 02.86 - 07.91669017810600-669Motorcode: GXBj. bis: 07.1988VW JETTA II (19E, 1G2, 165) 1.8 01.84 - 10.918211217810600-627Motorcode: EVMotorcode: GZBj. ab: 08.1984Bj. bis: 03.1986Fgst.Nr. ab: 16..F..000 001Fgst.Nr. bis: 16..G..640 000VW JETTA II (19E, 1G2, 165) 1.8 08.85 - 10.877910717810600-665VW JETTA II (19E, 1G2, 165) 1.8 08.84 - 10.91669017810600-626oderMotorcode: GXBaumuster: Bj. bis: 10.1987oderMotorcode: GXBaumuster: Bj. ab: 08.1987Bj. bis: 07.1988VW JETTA II (19E, 1G2, 165) 1.8 16V 08.86 - 10.919512917810600-701VW JETTA II (19E, 1G2, 165) 1.8 16V 06.87 - 12.8910214017810600-652VW JETTA II (19E, 1G2, 165) 1.8 Cat 08.87 - 10.91669017810600-626oderMotorcode: GXBj. bis: 10.1987VW PASSAT (32B) 1.8 01.83 - 03.88669017810600-584Motorcode: JNBj. ab: 11.1983VW PASSAT (32B) 2.0 08.83 - 03.888511519940600-602Bj. ab: 11.1983Bj. bis: 02.1986VW PASSAT (32B) 2.2 08.85 - 03.888511522260600-8880600-658VW PASSAT (32B) 2.2 01.85 - 03.8810013622260600-653Bj. bis: 02.1986VW PASSAT (3A2, 35I) 1.8 16V 04.88 - 12.8910013617810600-739VW PASSAT (3A2, 35I) 1.8 GL 08.91 - 09.931021391781Bj. bis: 07.1992VW PASSAT Stufenheck (32B) 1.8 01.85 - 03.88669017810600-585Motorcode: JNVW PASSAT Stufenheck (32B) 2.0 08.84 - 07.85851161994Motorcode: HPVW PASSAT Stufenheck (32B) 2.2 01.85 - 03.888511522260600-659VW PASSAT Variant (33B) 1.8 01.83 - 03.88669017810600-586Motorcode: JNBj. ab: 11.1983VW PASSAT Variant (33B) 1.8 Syncro 01.86 - 03.88669017810600-671Motorcode: JNVW PASSAT Variant (33B) 2.0 08.83 - 03.888511519940600-604Motorcode: JSBj. ab: 11.1983Bj. bis: 02.1986VW PASSAT Variant (33B) 2.0 Syncro 05.84 - 03.888511619940600-632Bj. bis: 07.1985VW PASSAT Variant (33B) 2.2 08.85 - 03.888511522260600-660VW PASSAT Variant (33B) 2.2 01.85 - 03.8810013622260600-655Bj. bis: 02.1986VW PASSAT Variant (33B) 2.2 Syncro 08.85 - 03.888812022260600-657VW PASSAT Variant (33B) 2.2 Syncro 08.84 - 07.881001362226Bj. bis: 02.1986VW PASSAT Variant (3A5, 35I) 1.8 08.91 - 09.931021391781Bj. bis: 07.1992VW PASSAT Variant (3A5, 35I) 1.8 16V 04.88 - 12.8910013617810600-746VW SANTANA (32B) 2.0 08.83 - 12.848511519940600-603Bj. ab: 01.1984VW SCIROCCO (53B) 1.8 11.85 - 07.92709517810600-667Bj. bis: 07.1986Fgst.Nr. ab: 53..F..000 001Fgst.Nr. bis: 53..G..060 000VW SCIROCCO (53B) 1.8 08.82 - 12.898211217810600-589Motorcode: DXBj. ab: 08.1984Bj. bis: 07.1986Fgst.Nr. ab: 53..F..000 001Fgst.Nr. bis: 53..G..040 000VW SCIROCCO (53B) 1.8 16V 10.85 - 07.8910213917810600-631VW SCIROCCO (53B) 1.8 16V 03.86 - 07.929512917810600-703 Rückgabe KAUF OHNE RISIKO - 180 Tage Rücknahme garantiert*--> Kostenloser Rückversand - der Verkäufer trägt alle Rücksendekosten --> Unser Service - Ihr Vorteil Sämtliche Artikel sind qualitätsgeprüft. 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