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SWANSON Kudzu Root (Herz-Kreislauf und Lebergesundheit) 60 Kaps VERSAND WELTWEIT
SWANSON Kudzu Root (Herz-Kreislauf und Lebergesundheit) 60 Kaps VERSAND WELTWEIT
SWANSON Kudzu Root (Herz-Kreislauf und Lebergesundheit) 60 Kaps VERSAND WELTWEIT

SWANSON Kudzu Root (Herz-Kreislauf und Lebergesundheit) 60 Kaps VERSAND WELTWEIT

  • MarkeSwanson Health Products
  • AbteilungUnisex
  • AltersempfehlungErwachsene
  • SpezifikationHerz, Kreislauf
  • Herstellernummer087614110349
  • Wirksame InhaltsstoffeKudzu Root
  • MaßeinheitEinheit
  • Anzahl der Einheiten60
  • Herstellungsland und -regionVereinigte Staaten
  • FormulierungKapsel
  • Artikelnr.114046904435
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Andere Artikel Bewertungen über uns Kontakt SWANSON Kudzu Root (Cardiovascular and Liver Health) 60 capsules A traditional favorite of Chinese herbalists Works to promote cardiovascular and liver health Each capsule supplies 500 mg of kudzu root powder Enhance your daily wellness regimen with the time-honored herbal support of Kudzu Root! Kudzu root was one of the earliest documented herbs used in Traditional Chinese Practices, with recorded use dating back nearly 2,000 years to the ancient herbal text of Shen Nong. Modern research has revealed that Kudzu Root has powerful antioxidant properties, even more potent than vitamin E. These properties make it an excellent herb for cardiovascular maintenance, liver health and overall vitality. Now you can enjoy the many health benefits of this ancient Chinese herbal tonic with our 500 mg Kudzu Root capsules. Dosage As a dietary supplement, take one capsule one to two times per day with water. Ingredients Table Container: 60 capsules Serving Size: 1 capsule Servings per Container: 60 Form: Capsule Ingredients Content in a portion in 100 g % RDA Kudzu Root (Pueraria lobata) 500 mg Other ingredients Gelatin, microcrystalline cellulose (plant fiber). About the brand Swanson is an American manufacturer that started his company in 1969 in Fargo, North Dakota. The company sells mainly products that support functions of our bodies instead of typical whey proteins or carbohydrates. Swanson focuses on dietary supplements, vitamins or products that support our immunity and digestions. Company’s products are mainly herbal or based on natural ingredients which is simply an extra advantage for athletes with balanced diets or simply people that live healthy. Swanson’s packages remind more products from drug store’s shelf than gym supplements which makes us believe even more in their pro-health purpose. Sport-Ernährung uns nahrungsergänzungsmittel Andere Artikel » © 2018 - All rights reserved! / Design: Art Delarte

Auf dieser Seite findest Du Artikel der Marken Swanson Health Products, Vitaideal Vegan, MEDICA HERBS, WISH, Swanson Health USA und Essence Nutrition.

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