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Aktfotografie The Photo Art of Tiger Lee Erotische Fotografie NEU

Aktfotografie The Photo Art of Tiger Lee Erotische Fotografie NEU

  • ThemaErotische Fotografie
  • Literarische GattungSachbuch
  • Artikelnr.203320582624
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Titel: Digerotic Art: The Photo Art of Tiger LeeVerlag: Tigerize PublishingErscheinungsdatum: 2005Einband: PaperbackZustand: NewDigitally created erotica is an emerging art form on display in this collection of 33 of Tiger Lee's innovative photographs. Dozens of sexy fantasy portraits are included, such a vampire flying in the moonlight, a laser-wielding space babe, a musician in a graveyard, a hot dragon slayer amazon, a seductive forest nymph, and an angel against a stained glass window. Each completed image is displayed beside its original photograph, illustrating the extent of Tiger Lee's manipulation, and the artistic possibilities of the medium itself. The use of digital cameras, computers, and Adobe Photoshop is explained, as are the techniques of super saturation, Tiger tone, and euro collages.

Auf dieser Seite findest Du Artikel der Marken Harper Collins Publ. USA, FRANCES LINCOLN und Bethesda.

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