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CELESTRON CMOS Cam NexImage Burst Mono (Aptina Chip) Astro Camera
CELESTRON CMOS Cam NexImage Burst Mono (Aptina Chip) Astro Camera
CELESTRON CMOS Cam NexImage Burst Mono (Aptina Chip) Astro Camera
CELESTRON CMOS Cam NexImage Burst Mono (Aptina Chip) Astro Camera
CELESTRON CMOS Cam NexImage Burst Mono (Aptina Chip) Astro Camera

CELESTRON CMOS Cam NexImage Burst Mono (Aptina Chip) Astro Camera

  • Marque compatiblePour Celestron, Universelle
  • Série compatibleUniversel
  • Numéro de pièce fabricant13053
  • Pays de fabricationÉtats Unis
  • TypeCamera
  • EAN50234955195
  • UPC50234955195
  • Artikelnr.125866964981
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Solar system imaging with NexImage Burst is a great way to enjoy the hobby of astroimaging if you live in a light-polluted area. If you can see the planet the sky, you can image it with NexImage Burst!

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