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95CM Selfie Stick Bluetooth Stange Teleskop Monopod Selfiestick Smartphone 3 in1
95CM Selfie Stick Bluetooth Stange Teleskop Monopod Selfiestick Smartphone 3 in1
95CM Selfie Stick Bluetooth Stange Teleskop Monopod Selfiestick Smartphone 3 in1
95CM Selfie Stick Bluetooth Stange Teleskop Monopod Selfiestick Smartphone 3 in1
95CM Selfie Stick Bluetooth Stange Teleskop Monopod Selfiestick Smartphone 3 in1
95CM Selfie Stick Bluetooth Stange Teleskop Monopod Selfiestick Smartphone 3 in1

95CM Selfie Stick Bluetooth Stange Teleskop Monopod Selfiestick Smartphone 3 in1

  • Inbegriffene ArtikelHalterung, Ladekabel, Fernbedienung
  • ProduktartSelfie Stick
  • BesonderheitenFlexibel, Robust, Rutschfest, Ausziehbar
  • MarkenkompatibilitätUniversell, Für Apple, Für Samsung
  • BefestigungsartGriff, Klemme
  • QualitätsstufePremium
  • MaterialAluminium
  • FarbeSchwarz
  • MarkeSelfie Stick
  • Design/OberflächeAluminium
  • Kabelloser LadestandardNein
  • Anzahl der Anschlüsse1
  • ModellkompatibilitätUniversal, Für Google Pixel, Für Apple, iPhone, Samsung, Android
  • KonnektivitätKabellos, Bluetooth, 10m Reichweite
  • Charakter FamilieSelfie Stick
  • Artikelnr.387525675841
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Description: latest innovation in selfie technology – the premium Bluetooth Selfie Stick, redefining the way you capture your moments! This game-changing accessory comes in a vibrant array of colors, tailored to suit every personality and style, ensuring you stand out in every photo or video. Stand Out from the Crowd with Unique Features: Extended Reach for Unparalleled Views: Unlike anything on the market today, our Selfie Stick boasts an impressive 95cm (approximately 37.4 inches) length, offering a significant boost in height and reach. Say goodbye to cramped backgrounds and hello to breathtaking landscapes, towering skyscrapers, or simply capturing more of your friends and family in every frame. .

Auf dieser Seite findest Du Artikel der Marken Selfie Stick, LogiLink, K&F Concept, Aukey, BQ, Anker, MobilePalace, TELESIN, Mobiset, Sunydeal, Monopod, System-S und Reinex.

Hinweis: Die auf dieser Unterseite aufgelisteten Artikel sind keine B-Ware Artikel
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