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Kommode Sideboard Pavos V2 in Schwarz - Hochglanz Naturtöne

Kommode Sideboard Pavos V2 in Schwarz - Hochglanz Naturtöne

  • ColourRaspberry High Gloss
  • Item Height81 cm
  • Item Length76 cm
  • Item Width35 cm
  • Number of Drawers4
  • TypeChests of drawers
  • BrandVladon
  • ModelPavos
  • Country/Region of ManufactureDE
  • Artikelnr.125840147469
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Storage space: This storage cabinet with drawers is a storage furniture miracle! Four drawers provide lots of storage space for all kinds of objects, such as documents, clothing and other accessories.Opening: The modern sideboard is fitted with discreet silver handles. The cabinet’s drawers run almost silently on telescopic metal runners, making them very easy to handle.Design: The cabinet is a customizable furniture piece with many color options that create a modern and inviting ambiance. You can choose from various design combinations for a unique look that complements your décor.Material: High-quality foiled fronts and a carcass made of chipboard with melamine coating make the sideboard pleasantly light and stable, and also particularly easy to.

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