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DIIV - Sometime Human Geist (Vinyl 3x7 - 2022 - US - Original)
DIIV - Sometime Human Geist (Vinyl 3x7 - 2022 - US - Original)

DIIV - Sometime Human Geist (Vinyl 3x7 - 2022 - US - Original)

  • PlattengrößeSingle (7 Inch)
  • Erscheinungsjahr2022
  • PressungOriginal
  • MusiklabelCaptuired Tracks
  • Katalog-Nr.CTLPC1 353
  • ProdukttypVinylschallplatte
  • Format3x7"
  • InterpretDIIV
  • MusiktitelSometime / Human / Geist
  • EAN00817949035365
  • Artikelnr.355741475505
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3x7" box set containing Diiv's inaugural, pre-Oshin releases from 2011 · First repress since their original release · Pressed on Eco vinyl and limited to 3000 copies · Includes full color booklet with photos, art, and new writings // Before Oshin, there was `Sometime,' `Human,' and `Geist'... In 2011, a newly formed Diiv (known, at the time, as `dive') created instant vibrations in the blog-world with their impressionistic debut single `Sometime'; finding its way onto the esteemed pages of Pitchfork a mere matter of weeks after the group's formation. They quickly followed it up with the equally great `Human' and `Geist', with the latter featuring a b-side cover of Kurt Cobain's "Bambi Slaughter.

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