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The Beatnuts - Intoxicated Demons Black Friday Record Store Day (1993 - Reissue)

The Beatnuts - Intoxicated Demons Black Friday Record Store Day (1993 - Reissue)

  • PlattengrößeLP (12 Inch)
  • Erscheinungsjahr1993
  • PressungReissue
  • MusiklabelColumbia
  • Katalog-Nr.19658810271
  • ProdukttypVinylschallplatte
  • FormatLP
  • InterpretThe Beatnuts
  • MusiktitelIntoxicated Demons Black Friday Record Store Day 2023 Red Viny...
  • EAN00196588102714
  • Artikelnr.395088036213
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It was released in 1993 by Relativity Records and was produced exclusively by The Beatnuts. The project consisted of two singles, "Reign of the Tec" and "No Equal," in addition to eleven cuts and five skits, spanning a total length of twenty-five minutes.

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