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Rabbeat - Camel Toast Ep Blue Vinyl Edition (2024 - EU - Original)
Rabbeat - Camel Toast Ep Blue Vinyl Edition (2024 - EU - Original)

Rabbeat - Camel Toast Ep Blue Vinyl Edition (2024 - EU - Original)

  • PlattengrößeMaxi (10, 12 Inch)
  • Erscheinungsjahr2024
  • PressungOriginal
  • MusiklabelMadback
  • Katalog-Nr.MADINCH005
  • ProdukttypVinylschallplatte
  • Format12"
  • InterpretRabbeat
  • MusiktitelCamel Toast Ep Blue Vinyl Edition
  • EAN08718723240093
  • Artikelnr.396162230134
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Who said industrial was dead? One of the freshest acts to come to light over the last few years. Praised by Manu Le Malin, supported by many since. The French prodigy RaBBeAT got to be on our radar ever since Manu told Tripped to check him out back in 2021. The ultimate result is A 4 track, kick drum heavy EP sounding straight from hell. Doomy soundscapes, lots of distortion and reverb, including a Tripped remix.

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