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Michael Jackson - Off The Wall Limited Edition Ultradisc O (1979 - US - Reissue)

Michael Jackson - Off The Wall Limited Edition Ultradisc O (1979 - US - Reissue)

  • PlattengrößeLP (12 Inch)
  • Erscheinungsjahr1979
  • PressungReissue
  • MusiklabelMobile Fidelity Sound Lab
  • Katalog-Nr.UD1S 2-061
  • ProdukttypVinylschallplatte
  • Format2LP
  • InterpretMichael Jackson
  • MusiktitelOff The Wall Limited Edition Ultradisc One-Step 180g 45rpm 2LP...
  • EAN00198028438919
  • Artikelnr.356585520998
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Mobile Fidelity’s UltraDisc One-Step 180g 45rpm 2LP box set of Off the Wall is sourced from the original master tapes, housed in a deluxe slipcase, and pressed on MoFi SuperVinyl at Fidelity Record Pressing. The keepsake packaging of this Off the Wall Ud1s set further befits the album’s preeminent status. Housed in a deluxe slipcase, it features a special foil-stamped jacket and faithful graphics. Aurally and visually, this reissue is made for everyone who desires to immerse themselves in everything involved with the nine-timesplatinum landmark — including the iconic album cover with Jackson dressed in a tuxedo.

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