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Jazz Sabbath - Jazz Sabbath (Vinyl LP - 2020 - EU - Original)

Jazz Sabbath - Jazz Sabbath (Vinyl LP - 2020 - EU - Original)

  • PlattengrößeLP (12 Inch)
  • Erscheinungsjahr2020
  • PressungOriginal
  • MusiklabelBlacklake
  • Katalog-Nr.BL411348
  • ProdukttypVinylschallplatte
  • FormatLP
  • InterpretJazz Sabbath
  • MusiktitelJazz Sabbath
  • EAN07110539899587
  • Artikelnr.356361171888
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Jazz Sabbath (1968) were considered to be at the forefront of the new English jazz movement. Their self-titled debut album would be released on 13 Feb 1970, but on Feb 12th founding member and pianist Milton Keanes was hospitalised with a massive heart attack; leaving him fighting for his life. The record company shelved the album and cancelled the scheduled release out of financial uncertainty of releasing a debut album from a band without its musical leader. When Milton was released from hospital in September 1970, he found out that a band from Birmingham, conveniently called 'Black Sabbath’, had since released two albums containing so-called metal versions of his songs.

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