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Earth - Earth 2 Special Low Frequency Version (Vinyl 2LP - 1993 - US - Reissue)
Earth - Earth 2 Special Low Frequency Version (Vinyl 2LP - 1993 - US - Reissue)
Earth - Earth 2 Special Low Frequency Version (Vinyl 2LP - 1993 - US - Reissue)

Earth - Earth 2 Special Low Frequency Version (Vinyl 2LP - 1993 - US - Reissue)

  • PlattengrößeLP (12 Inch)
  • Erscheinungsjahr1993
  • PressungReissue
  • MusiklabelSub Pop
  • Katalog-Nr.SPLPX 185
  • ProdukttypVinylschallplatte
  • Format2LP
  • InterpretEarth
  • MusiktitelEarth 2: Special Low Frequency Version Loser Edition
  • EAN00098787018509
  • Artikelnr.235870797146
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Did you know there are horses on the cover of Earth 2: Special Low Frequency Version? There are at least three in the right hand corner, gathered inexplicably near a white canvas tent, a human possibly perched among its folds. As widescreen and vast as the cover may seem, those little details-the horses, the possible human, the faint wisp of white clouds-give it depth and wonder, something to which the imagination can return.

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