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Pg.lost - Yes I Am (Vinyl LP - 2020 - EU - Original)

Pg.lost - Yes I Am (Vinyl LP - 2020 - EU - Original)

  • PlattengrößeLP (12 Inch)
  • Erscheinungsjahr2020
  • PressungOriginal
  • MusiklabelPelagic
  • Katalog-Nr.PELLP 152
  • ProdukttypVinylschallplatte
  • FormatLP
  • InterpretPg.lost
  • MusiktitelYes I Am
  • EAN04024572854874
  • Artikelnr.356259251361
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PG.Lost need no introduction. For 4 long years, fans have been eagerly awaiting the follow-up album to 2016's critically acclaimed Versus, which in the meantime has become nothing less than a cult album in the post rock world. Despite bass player Kristian Karlsson's heavy engagement in his other band Cult OF Luna, PG.Lost toured with Versus around the globe, in support of bands like Mono, Alcest and Cult OF Luna in Europe, and playing their own headline shows to crowds of 1.000+ in China. The 4 piece from Norrköping, Sweden also appeared at Robert Smith's prestigious Meltdown showcase festival in London, personally chosen by the man himself. While the follow-up to Versus is due for a release later this year, to sweeten the wait we are now bringing you a remastered re-release of PG.

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