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Nifelheim - Unholy Death Silver Vinyl Edition (2000 - EU - Reissue)

Nifelheim - Unholy Death Silver Vinyl Edition (2000 - EU - Reissue)

  • PlattengrößeLP (12 Inch)
  • Erscheinungsjahr2000
  • PressungReissue
  • MusiklabelDarkness Shall Rise Production
  • ProdukttypVinylschallplatte
  • FormatLP
  • InterpretNifelheim
  • MusiktitelUnholy Death Silver Vinyl Edition
  • EAN04068651000363
  • Artikelnr.356633302475
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Inspired by hatred and some of the vilest and darkest Metal of the 80s, Sweden's most demented twins, Hellbutcher and Tyrant, came up with their only demo Unholy Death, spawned in hell in 1993.Although the tracks immortalized on this demo are poorly recorded and rather amateurishly performed they already and unmistakably bear some of the trademarks the band would come to be worshipped for. Hellbutcher's insane, utterly possessed screams and their songwriting talent and sense for melody turn the demo into a must-have not only for loyal worshippers of the band but for anyone into early SODOM, early BATHORY or TREBLINKA.

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