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Radiohead - Pablo Honey (Vinyl LP - 1992 - UK - Reissue)

Radiohead - Pablo Honey (Vinyl LP - 1992 - UK - Reissue)

  • PlattengrößeLP (12 Inch)
  • Erscheinungsjahr1992
  • PressungReissue
  • LabelXL
  • ProdukttypVinylschallplatte
  • EAN0634904077914
  • InterpretRadiohead
  • FormatSchallplatte
  • MusiktitelPablo Honey
  • MusiklabelXl Recordings
  • Artikelnr.235656475979
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Radiohead's debut album, Pablo Honey, is a promising collection that blends U2's anthemic rock with long, atmospheric instrumental passages and an enthralling triple-guitar attack that is alternately gentle and bracingly noisy. The group has difficulty writing a set of songs that are as compelling as their sound, but when they do hit the mark -- such as on "Anyone Can Play Guitar," "Blow Out," and the self-loathing breakthrough single "Creep" -- the band achieves a rare power that is both visceral and intelligent.

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