Initially released in 2006, 'Revep’ is the third collaboration album between Alva Noto and Ryuichi Sakamoto and the third installment of V.I.R.U.S.’s five albums series. Remastered in 2021 in collaboration with Calyx Studio, the album’s recordings are accompanied by three new compositions titled 'City Radieuse’, 'Veru 1’, and 'Veru 2’. 'City Radieuse’ was composed for the 2012 short cinematic essay titled 'Cité Radieuse’ and part of Carsten Nicolai’s 'future past perfect’ series. The video shot at le Corbusier’s Unité D’Habitation in Nantes (called 'cité radieuse’) takes the viewer through the modular system and design applied to the residential buildings.
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