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Danilo Braca - Sïana - Woza-Woza Ron Trent Re (Vinyl 12 - 2023 - EU - Original)

Danilo Braca - Sïana - Woza-Woza Ron Trent Re (Vinyl 12 - 2023 - EU - Original)

  • PlattengrößeMaxi (10, 12 Inch)
  • Erscheinungsjahr2023
  • PressungOriginal
  • MusiklabelThe Sound Of New York City
  • Katalog-Nr.TSoNYCSG008V
  • ProdukttypVinylschallplatte
  • Format12"
  • InterpretDanilo Braca
  • MusiktitelSïana - Woza-Woza Ron Trent Remix
  • Artikelnr.235352239055
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A SideDubbed Sïana, the dark brew is laid thick in Braca's latest release, brimming with ethereal vibration and witchy charm that lures and tantalizes. A vacillating pad, a plodding kick drum, and a lively djembe are joined by a bright trumpet in this journey through a moody Afro-house groove. Along the way, elements are layered with a loosely restrained acid gurgle and the hypnotic beckoning of a Zulu chant. Intensifying and retreating with an expert capriciousness characteristic of the producer, this track never comes up for air. Like its "Woza-Woza" moniker suggests, Sïana is smoky and almost mystically enticing with its own blend of sonic umami.AA SideLending his signature refinement and style to the mix, Ron Trent blends succinct, ambrosial rhythms with sultry echoes for a classic yet potent take on the original.

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