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BattleTech Gray Death Legion Heavy Battle Lance

BattleTech Gray Death Legion Heavy Battle Lance

  • SpielBattletech
  • Artikelnr.176667457404
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The betrayal and death of his father forced young Grayson Death Carlyle to forge a new mercenary outfit from nothing. From such humble beginnings, the Gray Death Legion rose to become one of the most feared and respected mercenary commands. Unleash the Gray Death Legion Heavy Battle Lance! Included is the new Regent, a re-posed and jumping Shadow Hawk, and new variants of the Gargoyle and Catapult —no assembly required—along with four MechWarrior pilot cards and four Alpha Strike cards. Perfect for BattleTech and Alpha Strike action!

Auf dieser Seite findest Du Artikel der Marken Battletech, Catalyst Game Labs und Karti Battlemap.

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