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Jeffy Hand Puppet Cartoon Plush Toy Stuffed Doll Soft Figurine Kids Baby Gift

Jeffy Hand Puppet Cartoon Plush Toy Stuffed Doll Soft Figurine Kids Baby Gift

  • Otherclassmate joseph
  • MaterialPolar Fleece
  • ProduktartBabypuppe
  • OccasionAll Occasions
  • TypeHand Puppet Toy
  • Artikelnr.235739089881
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We can open or close the boy's mouth by moving our fingers, and playing with the boy and the child with this realistic puppet. The puppet boy is like a real person. Its clothes, hats, diapers, shoes, and socks can be taken off or put on and can be used as early education tools for children to help them organize clothes and exercise children's independence and autonomy.

Auf dieser Seite findest Du Artikel der Marken Living Puppets und Living Puppets Matthies.

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