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BIG Tool PowerAcces SOG multitool BLACK TOOLS BAG
BIG Tool PowerAcces SOG multitool BLACK TOOLS BAG
BIG Tool PowerAcces SOG multitool BLACK TOOLS BAG
BIG Tool PowerAcces SOG multitool BLACK TOOLS BAG
BIG Tool PowerAcces SOG multitool BLACK TOOLS BAG

BIG Tool PowerAcces SOG multitool BLACK TOOLS BAG

  • MarkeSOG
  • ProduktartMultitool
  • Anzahl der Werkzeuge30
  • Artikelnr.335783431818
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Includes 30 tools, more than any other SOG multi-tool. SOG - Bag + 12 tools included. The rugged stainless steel PowerAccess Deluxe includes a total of 30 tools, including two blades, a can and bottle opener, a wood saw, two slotted screwdrivers, a cross-slotted screwdriver and a 1/4” screwdriver with hex bit set.

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