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4K 60Hz HDMI Splitter 1x2 1080P 120Hz HDCP2.2 HDR 18Gbps UHD Dolby Vision Atmos
4K 60Hz HDMI Splitter 1x2 1080P 120Hz HDCP2.2 HDR 18Gbps UHD Dolby Vision Atmos
4K 60Hz HDMI Splitter 1x2 1080P 120Hz HDCP2.2 HDR 18Gbps UHD Dolby Vision Atmos
4K 60Hz HDMI Splitter 1x2 1080P 120Hz HDCP2.2 HDR 18Gbps UHD Dolby Vision Atmos
4K 60Hz HDMI Splitter 1x2 1080P 120Hz HDCP2.2 HDR 18Gbps UHD Dolby Vision Atmos
4K 60Hz HDMI Splitter 1x2 1080P 120Hz HDCP2.2 HDR 18Gbps UHD Dolby Vision Atmos

4K 60Hz HDMI Splitter 1x2 1080P 120Hz HDCP2.2 HDR 18Gbps UHD Dolby Vision Atmos

  • Package Dimensions LxWxH7.76x4.72x0.94 Inches
  • ProduktartHDMI Splitter
  • SizeHDMI 2.0 Splitter 4k 60hz 1080p 120hz
  • ColorGrau / Schwarz
  • KabeltypUsb
  • Produktabmessungen5,84 X 5,08 X 2,29 Cm; 90 Gramm
  • Weight0.2 Pounds
  • BrandUnbranded
  • SteckverbindertypHdmi
  • MarkeUnbranded
  • HerstellerEzcootech
  • ISBN0824941679305
  • Anschluss Splitter/Doppler1:8
  • HerkunftslandChina
  • Anschluss AHDMI
  • Artikelnr.167384079745
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4K 60Hz HDMI Splitter 1x2. Transform your audio-visual experience with this HDMI Splitter designed for seamless connectivity and stunning picture quality. Why Choose This HDMI Splitter?. Anschluss Splitter/Doppler: 1:8 Kabellänge: Not Set Ausgangsspannung: Not Set Maßeinheit: Not Set.

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