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4 Way RCA Stereo Audio Selector Splitter Switcher Box with Dual VU Meter Display

4 Way RCA Stereo Audio Selector Splitter Switcher Box with Dual VU Meter Display

  • Version of VU MeterBlue
  • MarkeDouk Audio
  • ProduktartAudio Splitter/Switcher
  • Anschluss ARCA Weiblich
  • Anschluss BRCA Weiblich
  • Anschluss Splitter/Doppler1:4
  • FarbeSchwarz
  • HerstellernummerXX-VU2
  • MarkenkompatibilitätUniversal
  • BesonderheitenVergoldet
  • AusgangsspannungNO
  • KabellängeNO
  • Anzahl der Einheiten1
  • MaßeinheitEinheit
  • NoteWithout Power Adapter
  • Artikelnr.164399796802
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As an analog VU meter, , with wired stereo RCA input and wireless microphone inputs, can be matched very well with most common audio device such as mobile phone, computer, CD players, or speakers and so on, very suitable for home/office/studio system to dynamically decorate your auditory feast. As a 4-way audio splitter box, VU2 can work in 4-IN-1-OUT to compare the sound quality of differet audio source among mobile phone, tablet computer, TV, CD player, DAC etc., also can work in 1-IN-4-OUT mode to do contrasts among preamp, headphone, power amplifier and active speakers etc., no need to plug in and out cables repeatedly to avoid wearing the contact point of the sockets. 4 channel can input at the same time to mixer different audio source, also can output at the same time to satisfy the.

Auf dieser Seite findest Du Artikel der Marken Douk Audio, Goobay, AVE-A Audio-Zubehör, BestPlug, euroharry und Bolwins.

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