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Lampe HS3 6V2.4W 1821

Lampe HS3 6V2.4W 1821

  • BrandJMP
  • Manufacturer Part Number1821
  • EAN4043981152821
  • Artikelnr.265304847877
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JMP lamps basically meet the requirements of the German and European vehicle industry. They are mainly manufactured in Europe and meet the highest technical standards. Note: A brownish precipitate can be seen in the glass bulb of this lamp. These are getters. Getter is a chemically reactive material that is used to maintain a vacuum for as long as possible. This extends the life of the incandescent lamp. The brownish color disappears as soon as the light bulb is in operation. .

Auf dieser Seite findest Du Artikel der Marken MZA, NARVA und JMP.

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