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275W Infrarotbirne Rotlichtlampe IR lampe Wärmelampe Heizlampe Wärmetherapie
275W Infrarotbirne Rotlichtlampe IR lampe Wärmelampe Heizlampe Wärmetherapie
275W Infrarotbirne Rotlichtlampe IR lampe Wärmelampe Heizlampe Wärmetherapie
275W Infrarotbirne Rotlichtlampe IR lampe Wärmelampe Heizlampe Wärmetherapie
275W Infrarotbirne Rotlichtlampe IR lampe Wärmelampe Heizlampe Wärmetherapie
275W Infrarotbirne Rotlichtlampe IR lampe Wärmelampe Heizlampe Wärmetherapie

275W Infrarotbirne Rotlichtlampe IR lampe Wärmelampe Heizlampe Wärmetherapie

  • Bundle ListingYes
  • Typewith clip
  • Voltage220V
  • MarkeMarkenlos
  • ProduktartTherapy Heat Lamp
  • Lamp Cap/BaseE27
  • Rated power of IR bulb275W
  • Artikelnr.167312211004
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Heat therapy provides benefits for numerous injuries, illnesses and chronic conditions. A popular treatment for muscle pains and injuries, heat therapy has been used to relieve pain from sports injuries and other non-infected wounds, as well as to treat lumbago, neuralgia, myalgia, arthritis and other chronic conditions. The Heat Lamp has adjustable intensity and a flexible arm, making it a quick and easy way to target your aches and pains. Safety grills prevent burns. Always follow the instructions and avoid over-exposure. Technical specifications • Voltage: 220V • Lamp Cap/Base: E27 • Rated power of IR bulb: 275W Type: with clip.

Auf dieser Seite findest Du Artikel der Marken medisana und Servoprax.

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