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ELEGOO 3D Drucker TPU Filament schwarz 1.75mm 1kgroll Verbrauchsmaterial Neu

ELEGOO 3D Drucker TPU Filament schwarz 1.75mm 1kgroll Verbrauchsmaterial Neu

  • FarbeBlack
  • GewichtBlack 4KG
  • MarkeELEGOO
  • ProduktartTPU
  • Breite21cm
  • Höhe7cm
  • Länge21cm
  • Faserdurchmesser1.75 mm
  • Printing temperature210~240°C (recommended 225°C)
  • Tensile strength≥ 34MPa
  • Weight1000g
  • Herstellungsland und -regionChina
  • Herstellergarantie1 Monat
  • Artikelnr.387739322986
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EXCELLENT FLEXIBLE & RESILIENCE: With a Shore hardness of 95A, ELEGOO TPU filament stretches up to 5 times its original size without breaking OUTSTANDING IMPACT RESISTANCE: ELEGOG TPU is a soft filament with outstanding impact resistance, ideal for printing parts built to withstand impacts, collisions, and drops DIMENSIONAL ACCURACY & CONSISTENCY: Strict tolerances ensure these TPU filaments of 1.75 mm diameter with the dimensional accuracy of +/- 0.02 mm, providing consistent and smooth feeding NO CLOGGING & NO BUBBLE: Complete dried before packaging and vacuum sealed well to protect the filament from moisture. WIDE COMPATIBILITY: Universal compatibility with most of the common 1.75mm FDM 3D printers on the market.It’s recommended to dry the filament before printing.

Auf dieser Seite findest Du Artikel der Marken ELEGOO, JAYO, SUNLU, Geeetech, euroharry und eSUN.

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