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U.K. Subs Welcome To The 2.0 World LP CD

U.K. Subs Welcome To The 2.0 World LP CD

  • InterpretUK SUBS
  • MusiktitelWelcome To The 2.0 World
  • Erscheinungsjahr2021
  • AngebotspaketJa
  • Geschwindigkeit33 U/min
  • PlattengrößeLP (12 Zoll)
  • MusiklabelPUKE`N`VOMIT
  • Ausländisches ProduktJa
  • StilrichtungPunk
  • FormatSchallplatte
  • Modifizierter ArtikelJa
  • PlattenzustandM (Mint)
  • GenreRock
  • AußenhüllenzustandM (Mint)
  • Artikelnr.334799833208
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This new vinyl from the UK Subs brings together the two 45s "The Beast" and "Predator" released in 2017 as well as the maxi "Screaming Senile" from 2018. These 3 vinyls were self-produced by the band itself and printed in a limited number of copies.

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