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Raddy RF75A Shortwave Radio Bluetooth 5.0 APP Control FM AM VHF SW WB
Raddy RF75A Shortwave Radio Bluetooth 5.0 APP Control FM AM VHF SW WB
Raddy RF75A Shortwave Radio Bluetooth 5.0 APP Control FM AM VHF SW WB
Raddy RF75A Shortwave Radio Bluetooth 5.0 APP Control FM AM VHF SW WB
Raddy RF75A Shortwave Radio Bluetooth 5.0 APP Control FM AM VHF SW WB
Raddy RF75A Shortwave Radio Bluetooth 5.0 APP Control FM AM VHF SW WB

Raddy RF75A Shortwave Radio Bluetooth 5.0 APP Control FM AM VHF SW WB

  • MarkeRaddy
  • ModellRF75A
  • ProduktartShortwave Radio
  • BesonderheitenType-C Charging, SOS Flashlight
  • EAN4897093829313
  • Artikelnr.256529203960
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Wider Reception Range: Listen to FM, VHF, AM, SW, and WB, and stay up-to-date with your favorite radio shows and music with this powerful multi-band receiver. RF75A has a wider range of shortwave frequencies compared to the RF750.

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